アンバンジャの教会での啓発活動とマスクの配布/Awareness Raising and Distribution of Masks at a Church in Ambanja(English follows)
Mr. Ferana reported that on May 21st, he carried out awareness raising campaigns to prevent infection and distributed masks at a church in Ambanja. He consulted with the pastor of the church in advance and was allowed to spend the first five minutes of the meeting on awareness activity. He emphasized the importance of the prevention of the COVID-19 to the 267 people who gathered and distributed 300 masks, including one for all and some spare. Please see the video and some photos of that time. By the way, this video was shot by Mr Ferana's 9-year-old son, Fernandez!
■クロディーヌ氏からのビデオメッセージ/Video Message from Ms. Claudine (English follows)
ソフィア県アンジャマンギーラナでの活動で協力するマダガスカルアイアイファンド(MAF)/アンタナナリボ大学のMme. Marie Claudine Ranorosoa(クロディーヌさん)からも「マダガスカルでのCOVID-19感染拡大の見込みと対策」に関するビデオメッセージが届きました。
We have received a video message on "Prospect for the spread of COVID-19 infections and possible countermeasures in Madagascar" from Mme. Marie Claudine Ranorosoa who belongs to Madagascar Aye Aye Fund (MAF) and University of Antananarivo. She was the counterpart for the activities in Anjamangirana, Sofia Region of the JICA Grassroots Technical Cooperation Project between Yagiyama Zoological Park in Sendai City, Japan and Botanical and Zoological Park of Tsimbazaza. She speaks in Malagasy!
www.eco-online.org Blog Feed
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