The crowdfunding for assistance for COVID-19 prevention in Madagascar launched on May 10 has achieved the target amount of money (i.e. 1 million Japanese yen) and ended on July 3. As many as 67 people most of who are Japanese contributed, and the donation amounted to 1.1M yen. I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.
活動のまとめ/Activity Summary
This report gives you a summary of activities carried out in each target area.
活動対象地/Target Area
Target areas included Regions of Alaotra Mangoro, Sofia, Diana, Bongolava and Analamanga.
At each target site, we carried out awareness-raising activities related to infection prevention and distributed infection prevention supplies. The table below shows the types and quantity of infection prevention supplies distributed in each target area.

各地での活動に関する報告記事/Activity Reports [mostly in Japanese]
■アロチャマングル県/Alaotra Mangoro

■ソフィア県・アンジアマンギーラナ/Sofia - Anjiamangirana
■ディアナ県・アンバンジャ/ Diana - Ambanja
■ブングラバ県/ Bongolava
■アンタナナリボ/ Antananarivo
共同企画者からの感謝の言葉/ Words of thanks from the co-planner
Mr. Ferana, co-planner, thanked everyone for their cooperation in this crowdfunding.
Chère amis Japonais, je ne trouve pas d'autre mots à dire que " MERCI ". Merci pour votre contribution, merci pour votre collaboration, merci pour votre solidarité, merci pour votre amitié, je vous remercie du fonds du cœur a mon nom ainsi que au nom des vos amis Malagasy .
Sachez que vous venez de sauver des vies. Que Dieu vous benisse . Misaotra.
日本人の皆さん、「ありがとう」以外の言葉が見つかりません。ご寄付をありがとうございます、ご協力をありがとうございます、団結していただきありがとうございます、友情をありがとうございます。 私自身のみならずマダガスカルの人々に代わって、心から感謝を申し上げます。
Dear Japanese friends, I cannot find any other words to say than "THANK YOU". Thank you for your contribution, thank you for your collaboration, thank you for your solidarity, thank you for your friendship, I thank you from the bottom of my heart to my name as well as on behalf of your Malagasy friends.
Know that you have just saved lives. God bless you. Misaotra.
www.eco-online.org Blog Feed
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